Please Note:

The following Terms & Conditions are subject to change at any given time.


  • Tahawar Fitness will provide the Services to when required at the agreed time and location.
  • Tahawar Fitness will provide a professional service at all times and provide appropriate information and demonstrations at all times.
  • You acknowledge that whilst every effort is made to provide the service Tahawar Fitness at times may not be available and the service may be delayed or rescheduled.
  • All Services are for a minimum of a four week period.


  • The Prices stated are payable at the time of purchase to Tahawar Fitness.
  • Once Payment has been received You will receive an email confirmation receipt. If an email confirmation has not been received You will need to contact Tahawar Fitness.
  • All Services are for a minimum of a four week period and payment must be received for the minimum of the four week period even if You terminate your contract before the four week period ends.
  • After the four week period all Services will continue and be charged unless You cancel the subscription.
  • If You do not make the required payment on the specified due/renewal date then You will be charged the minimum subscription plus penalty fees of 25% of the subscription.


  • After the minimum four week period all subscriptions must have at least a 24-hours notice of cancellation.
  • Services cancelled by You with less than 24-hours notice shall be chargeable at 100% of the agreed price.


  • You agree to the terms of the liability waiver completed by You at all times during the provision of the Services by Tahawar Fitness.
  • Save as set out in these terms and conditions and save for liability for death and personal injury caused by our negligence and save for breach of our undertakings as to title implied by statute, all express or implied conditions, representations or warranties as to description, quality or fitness for purpose or otherwise are expressly excluded. Tahawar Fitness shall not be liable for any consequential loss or for any loss of profits, business revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings, (whether arising from breach of contract, tort, breach of statutory duty, misrepresentation or otherwise).
  • Tahawar Fitness will use his expertise in achieving an outcome for his clients, but the client must be held responsible if they do not achieve their desired outcome.


  • To enable Tahawar Fitness to perform his obligations You will:
  • Co-operate at all times and comply with any reasonable requirements/advice given by Tahawar Fitness.
  • You understand that the treatment and advice given is based not only on the assessment of your health but on information provided by You.
  • You confirm that You will provide all relevant information regarding your health and medical history throughout the Services and that such information is wholly complete, accurate and a true representation of your overall health and medical history.
  • Obtain all necessary permissions and consents, which may be required before the commencement of the Services, the cost of which shall be Your responsibility.
  • Ensure that the home visit locations where the Services shall be performed are safe, clean and hygienic at all times.
  • Comply with other requirements as may be set out in the information provided during your consultation agreed between You and Tahawar Fitness.


  • Tahawar Fitness shall perform the Services with skill and care to a good standard in accordance with recognised standards and codes of practice.
  • Tahawar Fitness complies with the requirements of GDPR and the principles in relation to data protection.


  • Prior to each Service You will assess your general health and well being, and ensure that You are in a fit and proper state to undertake physical activities. All appointments rely on that representation. If, in our judgement, we assess that You are not in a fit and proper state to undertake such exercise then the specified service shall be deemed to be cancelled by You.
  • All materials or programs given by Tahawar Fitness to You shall at all times remain property of Tahawar Fitness
  • You may not without prior written consent assign or transfer the Contract or any part of it to any other person.
  • Each party shall treat all Confidential Information belonging to the other party as confidential and safeguard it accordingly; and shall not disclose any Confidential Information belonging to the other party to any other person without the prior written consent of the other party, except to such persons and to such extent as may be necessary for the performance of the Agreement.
  • These terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with English law, and You consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.